Monday, January 6, 2020

Why Canada Is A Multicultural Country - 1389 Words

Canada has always been a multicultural country. It is well known as a country that accepts diversity and depending heavily on immigration for its population growth. The largest groups of immigrants to Canada are from Asian and Middle Eastern countries. This fact has remained virtually unchanged since the 2001 census (Potter et al., 2014, p.110). Although Canada demonstrates gender equality to some degree among the various different cultures it has, however, gender inequality exists among many countries. Gender inequality exits to a varying extent in all societies and differs over time, across social and ethnic groups (Mobaraki Sà ¶derfeldt, 2010). In Saudi Arabia, the system of governance is a monarchy, with its constitution governed by strict interpretation of the Islamic laws (Mobaraki Sà ¶derfeldt, 2010). In Saudi Arabia, women’s roles and rights can be evaluated by examining the local interpretation of the Islamic laws, through: education, job opportunity, marriage, po lygamy and fertility (Mobaraki Sà ¶derfeldt, 2010). Statistics shows that about 30% of Saudi women are illiterates, although, presently, there are more female graduates than males in Saudi Arabia (Mobaraki, Sà ¶derfeldt, 2010). This is so, because, some parts of Saudi Arabia (where nonreligious education was regarded as unsuitable for girls) initially opposed the opening of schools for girls ((Mobaraki Sà ¶derfeldt, 2010).In addition to that, mixed sex education is not allowed in Saudi Arabia (Mobaraki Show MoreRelated Canada Lacks A Real National Identity Essay1134 Words   |  5 Pages Canada Lacks A Real National Identity nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;I believe that Canada lacks a real national identity. Canadians tend to identify with community and region rather than the nation. 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